Tuesday 18 May 2010

How long do you wear your earrings?

Firstly I have now totally moved out of my Seighford studio, so I guess I shouldn't refer to it as MY studio any more. The house is a tip and my work desk is so cluttered it isn't easy to work at it, I am sure things will get better, so I am not panicking too much about it yet!
Today I sat at my desk for the first time since I moved out and completed this necklace and bracelet set, I then went on to re string a necklace.

Secondly I know I promised a post about  Gallery at 12 Open Day but I was so busy on the day pouring wines, washing up, making more blinis up and talking to people I didn't get a chance to take any decent photo's. What I can say is that we enjoyed a very successful day.
My blogging friend Maggi visited from Derbyshire and I have ended up with a beautiful book from her which I shall treasure always, thank you so much Maggi, it was lovely to see you again.

In my conversation with Maggi I started talking about jewellery I have brought home from Seighford, which I never take out to sales with me but I used to always have on display at the Seighford studio, such as some more knitted and crocheted items these earrings!

The first pair of these were made accidentally, in that it started off as a bracelet but as I held it up to attach the clasp that familiar question popped into my head 'What if I...?' and before I knew it I was holding up a super dupa long earring. which of course then needed a partner and then of course once you've made one pair you have to make others to keep the first pair company, so several pairs were made of which I now have 3 pairs left, I sell them individually or as a pair

1 comment:

  1. The earrings are even nicer than you described. I wish I was taller and more elegant ... I am so glad that you liked the book, it was good to meet again. I do hope the day was a success, people certainly seemed to be enjoying it.
